ACI Northwest Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Heating’

Does Your Heater Need Professional Attention?

Monday, October 7th, 2013

The winters in Idaho are some of the most ideal in the country: mild, yet picturesque, a perfect middle ground. But the winters are still cold enough that you need a dependable heating system in your home to help you get through to spring. Although the technology of modern heaters probably makes them less prone to breakdowns than what you grew up with, there are times when they’ll need the work of a trained technician to get them back to their full potential.

When you start to experience changes in the heating level of your home, or hear strange noises coming from your furnace, heat pump, or boiler, it might indicate you need professional repair. We’ll go through a few signs to look for and what they may mean for your heater. If you need to call in experts in heating in Coeur d’Alene, ID, look to ACI Northwest and our 24/7 service.

If your heater won’t turn on, it isn’t necessarily a problem that requires repairs: it might be a simple user error issue, such as an incorrectly set thermostat. Always check to see that your heater is connected to a power source, and that none of the circuit breakers have been tripped. If you find uneven heat levels throughout your home, the problem may come from blocked vents or poor insulation.

However, if your heater makes odd rattling noises when it tries to turn on, then the source is most likely a problem within the heater that requires repairs. For furnaces this might be a cracked heat exchanger, in which case call for professional assistance immediately, especially if you have a gas-powered furnace. Other noises that indicate professional repair needs are clicking in the furnace cabinet (likely worn out motor bearings), a rumbling in the boiler water tank (possibly overheating from sediment build-up or an excess of cold water), and grinding (the blower motor’s fan belt might be broken).

Uneven heating that you can’t solve with the basic troubleshooting above can indicate a heater that is losing power from wear and tear. There are many reasons for losing heating ability, and determining the cause on your own is difficult. Get consultation from a professional Coeur d’Alene, ID heating specialist, who will locate where the problem is, whether it’s hard-to-spot boiler leaks or thermostat malfunctions, and find a way to repair it.

A good motto when it comes to heating issues is: “When in doubt… get trained help.” Ignoring possible faults could lead to a full breakdown, or at the very least an expensive repair. Trying to fix a potential problem without the proper skills or tools can cause damage to your heater—and possibly damage to yourself. Don’t guess when it comes to your heating in Coeur d’Alene, ID: let the professionals at ACI Northwest put their experience and resources to work for you.

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Your 2013-2014 Heating Season Options

Monday, September 16th, 2013

In towns like Coeur d’Alene, heating units need to be reliable. Our rainy Northwest winters make furnaces and heaters an absolute necessity, and you don’t want to have it fail on you and wait for a repair person to arrive all the way from Spokane. It pays to assess your 2013-2014 heating options before the cold weather sets in, then consult with a professional as to the best way to implement it. That way you can be assured of reliable heating when you need it the most.

Your precise options depend on your home and the unique circumstances you’re living in, but probably boil down to one of the following three situations:

  • Continue with your existing furnace. In most cases, this is probably what you need. Your furnace works fine and just needs a little upkeep to function as it should. In this case, you should probably call a service technician to make a routine maintenance call: cleaning the unit and looking for any little problems that can be addressed with preventative care.
  • Your existing furnace needs upgrades. Upgrades aren’t always necessary, but they can help your furnace function more efficiently, and possibly save on your bills in the process. For instance, you could exchange your old thermostat with a newer digital model that includes automatic turn-on and turn-off features. That way, the furnace would turn off automatically when you go to work and turn on again when you come home, saving you considerable money in monthly energy bills.
  • You need a new furnace. If your existing furnace is more than 15 years old and/or is struggling to do its job, a new unit may be in order. The U.S. Department of Energy recommends finding a furnace with the EnergyStar sticker, which can save you up to 15% in monthly bills. Over time, that can help offset the initial cost of installation.

If you live in Coeur d’Alene, heating services should be a priority before the winter starts. ACI Northwest has Coeur d’Alene heating experts on hand to handle your heating and air conditioning needs. Give us a call today; we can spell out your 2013-2014 heating season options in the clearest terms, then install a new unit (or help maintain the existing one) with courtesy and professionalism.

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Furnace Tip: Take Care of Your Furnace Before the Heating Season Ends

Monday, May 6th, 2013

During the heating season in Spokane, WA, you put your home heating system under a lot of stress. All of that use can really take a toll on your heater. Many people understand that they should have their furnace inspected and maintained regularly. What many homeowners fail to realize, though, is that their furnace should be serviced at the end of the heating season, as well as beforehand. If you think that your furnace can just be shut off and forgotten about after a season of operation, think again. Contact the furnace pros at ACI Northwest to learn more.

Towards the end of the heating season, your furnace has seen a lot of action. Over the course of operation, some general wear and tear has no doubt built up. While it may be tempting to think that you’ll just take care of it at the start of the next heating season, this is just not a good idea. What happens if a sudden cold snap hits after a week or two of mild temperatures? Have you ever gone for a long run or bike ride without stretching before or after? Getting up the next morning may not have been a pleasant experience. If your heating system is compromised and then given some time off, you cannot expect it to jump right back to action again, whether it has been a week or an entire season.

Plus, there are a number of components that your heating and air conditioning systems share, such as your thermostat and ductwork. By having any damages that may have developed over the course of the heating season resolved, you can begin the process of getting your cooling system ready for summer. Not to mention the fact that, if there is a problem with the gas supply or pilot in your furnace, you should not be waiting months to have it addressed. You may not notice it in the off season.

For more tips on how to care for your furnace, call the Spokane, WA heating experts at ACI Northwest. We have all the information you need. Let us help you protect your comfort and your HVAC equipment.

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Furnace FAQ: How does a furnace Qualify as an Energy Star Furnace?

Monday, April 8th, 2013

You rely on your furnace to provide warmth and comfort throughout the heating season. Whether you’re in the market for a new furnace or furnace replacement, or are just curious, you probably have come across the Energy Star rating system. If a furnace has the Energy Star logo somewhere on its surface, then it meets the energy efficiency standards as determined by the US Environmental Protection Agency. The purpose of Energy Star is to reduce the impact of our heating and cooling systems on the environment by reducing greenhouse gas emissions. While it seems like a good thing (and it is), you might also be wondering how your furnace qualifies as an Energy Star furnace. In this post, we’d like to explain the rating. For a furnace service, call ACI Northwest today!

While different residential furnace efficiency standards exist throughout the country, the current standard for Energy Star furnaces in the Spokane area is 95% AFUE (Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency). This percentage measures the amount of heating output against the amount of energy input over the course of an entire year. It is the standard measurement for most heating systems. Energy Star gas furnaces must possess this standard (or higher), although oil-based furnaces currently require only 85% AFUE to be rated.

The EPA chooses products according to several principles. For example, qualifying furnaces must not only be energy efficient, but must also fulfil the consumer demand for performance and features. Thus, it is not energy efficiency for its own sake, but in order to make sure that performance and efficiency go hand-in-hand. Moreover, the Energy Star program believes that product testing is an important part of sustaining environmentally friendly manufacturing, and that the technology behind energy efficiency should be widely available and non-proprietary. The labelling system is intended to create easy targets for energy-conscious consumers. The purpose of Energy Star is to promote the production of energy-efficient products.

If you’re in the market for a new furnace, consider selecting an Energy Star rated furnace, so you know it will perform efficiently and effectively for years to come. For heating service, call the experts at ACI Northwest today!

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Heating FAQ: Should I Get Heating Maintenance Before Switching to AC?

Monday, April 1st, 2013

Even for those of us that like the cold weather, the end of the heating season is usually a welcome change of pace. Before you switch over to running your air conditioning system, though, you should give some serious thought to scheduling routine heating maintenance. While it may seem counter-intuitive to schedule heating maintenance at the end of the Spokane heating season, it can actually help you protect your comfort come the start of the next one. If you have any questions about end-of-the-season heating maintenance, contact the heating professionals at ACI Northwest. Our Spokane heating technicians have the knowledge and experience to answer any questions you may have.

It should be fairly obvious that most of the strain put on your heating system is during the heating season. If you had just run a marathon, you would probably make a point of stretching and hydrating, right? Over the course of the heating season it is likely that your home heating system has incurred some damage. If you simply shut it down for the last time and allow it to sit there, untouched, throughout the entire cooling season, then there is a good chance it will have some issues when the time comes to power it up again. Any strange noises, operational issues or wear and tear are not going to simply be resolved by giving the system a rest.

Plus, there is a very practical matter to consider here. Come the end of the heating season, your maintenance and heating repair provider is much less likely to be booked up than when the cold is starting to get in again. Schedule routine heating maintenance, have your system thoroughly inspected and tuned up, and reduce the risk of an unpleasant surprise at the start of the next heating season.

For more information about heating maintenance, contact the Spokane heating pros at ACI Northwest. We can be trusted with your comfort. Our technicians are highly skilled and extensively trained to ensure that you are able to keep your home warm and comfortable with consistency throughout the heating season. Contact ACI Northwest today!

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Heating FAQ: What Do I Get with an HVAC Maintenance Plan at ACI?

Monday, March 11th, 2013

At ACI Northwest, we offer Hayden ID heating and air conditioning maintenance services and maintenance plans to ensure that you get all of your new and existing equipment needs met. This week, we’ve included a rundown of all the benefits of our service plan.

New Equipment

For new heating and cooling equipment you get the following:

  • Free home comfort and energy savings analysis
  • Complete home heat loss & heat gain worksheet to ensure proper sizing of equipment
  • Multiple options to fit the needs of both the home and customer
  • On the spot financing with multiple payment options
  •  All rebate paperwork completed by sales staff to ensure maximum dollar amounts.

For repairs you get, 24/7 Emergency service on all heating, air conditioning and heat pump systems, in addition to discounts for seniors and active and retired members of the military. Repairs for tank and tankless water heaters are also covered and you get a one year warranty on all repairs, labor and parts.

Premium Agreement Benefits

  • 20% discount on repairs and priority service
  • No overtime fees and 24/7 service
  • One year guarantee on repairs and transferable agreement
  • Two scheduled tune-ups per year and inflation protection
  • $50 towards a new unit per year of agreement

Maintenance helps to maintain efficiency for heat pumps and other air conditioning systems. No matter what type of heating and air conditioning system you have, keep in mind that a clean system is an efficient one. As a homeowner, you should change air filters, vacuum out vents, clean off coils, and make sure nothing is blocking the airflow to the outdoor unit. Call Hayden ID heating experts if you aren’t sure how to properly clean your air conditioning system.

We also offer commercial maintenance services, and our Hayden ID heating technicians are on call 24/7 for any emergency heating repairs. Call ACI Northwest if you have questions or would like more information about the maintenance plans or heating repair services that we offer in Hayden, ID.

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Recognizing the Need for a Boiler Repair

Monday, February 18th, 2013

ACI Northwest Inc. offers boiler repair services in Hayden, ID and the surrounding areas, so don’t hesitate to call us if you need an urgent repair. We will send one of our Hayden ID heating technicians to your home to pinpoint the issue and take care of it. If you aren’t sure whether or not you need a repair for your boiler, you can always call for advice or tips. Here are some signs that you might need a repair service.

If your boiler simply isn’t providing enough heat for your home, there could be a few causes for this. First, make sure your thermostat is on the right settings. If it isn’t the thermostat, it could be the water level inside the boiler tank. When the levels are not correct, there’s less hot water to send to the radiators in your hydronic heating system. Sediment build-up or a broken pressure valve are two common causes of improper hot water levels, so you should call a heating repair technician if the problem persists.

Be sure that you know how to read the pressure gauge, and if it is off, one of our heating technicians will need to take a look and mostly likely flush out the boiler to remedy the issue. If you notice water leaking from the tank, this could be another cause of improper pressure levels and reduced heat.

Like hot water heaters, some boilers need a little recovery time after an extended period of high output, If your boiler takes longer to produce more heat, there could be an issue with the expansion tank, or it could be a warning sign of the system wearing down. Don’t wait until your boiler breaks down, call ACI Northwest as soon as you notice any problems. We offer Hayden boiler repair services that you can rely on.

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Boiler Repair FAQ: Is My Boiler Leaking?

Monday, February 11th, 2013

Boilers provide consistent and comfortable heat for many homeowners throughout the Hayden, ID area. In fact, boilers are one of the most common heating systems in the entire country. As opposed to forced air systems like furnaces, boilers use a series of hot water radiators or in-floor pipes to provide heat. Like all things that carry water your boiler will eventually need repairs. Perhaps one of the most common boiler repairs in Hayden, ID is a leak. At ACI Northwest, we’ve responded to many calls for boiler repair and wanted to share some insight on boiler leaks.

How Boilers Work

One of the best ways to know if your boiler is leaking is to understand how it’s supposed to work. While boilers are fairly complex pieces of equipment, their basic operation is pretty simple. The boiler heats up water—though it doesn’t actually boil the water—using a burner very similar to your hot water heater. A pump then circulates that hot water throughout your house. If you have radiators in your room then they are responsible for distributing the heat into your home. For floor heaters, a series of coils in your floor carry the hot water and provide heat.

Common Boiler Leaks

These are a few of the most common places for your boiler to leak.

  • The pump – When your boiler is turned on, the pump is working constantly. It has to circulate all of the water throughout your home. It isn’t uncommon for the pump valve or seal to break down and allow water to leak out.
  • Expansion tank – Your boiler has an expansion tank that allows it to compensate for the expansion of the water at high temperatures. If the expansion tank is old or rusting it could spring a leak.
  • Pipes – Any of the pipes leading into or out of your boiler could potentially leak.
  • Boiler tank itself – Another common place for leaks is from the boiler tank. If it has started to rust or if the pressure inside the tank is too high it could cause leaks.
  • Pressure relief valve – Your boiler should have a pressure relief valve on it that allows your boiler to safely expel water or air inside of it. If the pressure starts to build up too much the relief valve will allow water to leak out.

If you have a boiler leak or need boiler repairs, call the Hayden, ID heating experts at ACI Northwest. Contact ACI Northwest today!

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Furnace Tip: How To Get The Best Performance Out of Your Furnace

Monday, February 4th, 2013

Of all the home heating options available in the Spokane area, furnaces are one of the most popular. The great efficiency that furnaces are known for and the comfortable, even heating they provide with a professional installation has garnered them quite a reputation. Many homeowners do not enjoy the full potential of their furnaces, though, and oftentimes this is due to the fact that the make errors in the way in which they operate their furnace. Follow these simple tips from the furnace experts at ACI Northwest to get the best performance possible from your furnace.

First of all, make sure that you understand how to use your thermostat properly. Many homeowners either fiddle around with their thermostat too much or do not utilize capabilities such as programmability and wind up getting a less efficient performance from their furnace as a result. Take the time to read your owner’s manual and use your thermostat properly for increased heating efficiency.

It is also important that you keep the duct registers and grills that your duct system uses to distribute air throughout your home free of blockages. Furniture shifts around, and your furnace will have a much more difficult time circulating air throughout your home if it is trying to do so through a sofa. Allowing for open, easy airflow reduces the wear and tear on your furnace as well as energy expenditure. That can help reduce your energy bills at the same time.

By far the best tip that anyone can give you when it comes to your furnace is to schedule regular, professional maintenance service. There is no better way for you to keep your furnace working as efficiently and effectively as possible. Give your local heating technician a chance to tune up your furnace and enjoy the most reliable service that your furnace can offer. Schedule routine maintenance to heat your home with confidence.

Call the Spokane furnace experts at ACI Northwest to improve the efficiency and effectiveness with which your furnace works. Contact ACI Northwest today for more information. Your comfort is our top priority, and we look forward to the opportunity of improving your home heating experience.

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Commercial Heating Tip: Why Schedule Commercial Boiler Maintenance

Monday, January 28th, 2013

Routine maintenance for your commercial boiler is beneficial in many ways. If you have not schedule annual maintenance yet this year, call the Deer Park commercial HVAC technicians at ACI Northwest! It’s never too late to get started with a routine maintenance plan. Contact ACI Northwest today!

Here are some reasons you should schedule maintenance on a regular basis:

1. Prevents Repair Needs

The industrial boiler in your commercial building is a complex system that needs to work properly at all times. This system keeps your entire building warm and comfortable. When it breaks down, you put tenants out or your business has to shut down temporarily while you get it fixed. Routine maintenance can help to ensure that you won’t need repairs in the future.

2. Ensures Efficiency

When you schedule routine tune-ups, the technician will test the performance to make sure your boiler is operating efficiently. This cuts down on operation costs and saves energy. Reduce your carbon footprint and lower your utility bills with routine maintenance.

3. Prevents Water Damage

Because your boiler system includes water pipes that run behind walls or above ceilings, it can cause a lot of water damage if something goes wrong. Routine maintenance will detect any issues early on. Water damage can be expensive and a hassle for you and the people in your building. If you own a commercial apartment or condo, ripping up floors and repairing dry wall is a huge inconvenience for your tenants.

Call ACI Northwest for all your boiler installation and maintenance services for commercial and residential.

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