ACI Northwest Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Heating’

Heating Tip: Is it Time to Replace Your HVAC System?

Monday, December 17th, 2012

When you live in Coeur d’Alene you need to know that you can depend on your home heating and air conditioning system to keep you comfortable all year long. A proper installation and regular, professional maintenance can help your heating and air conditioning system achieve that goal. No mechanical system can last forever, though, and eventually you will need to replace your home comfort system. When to replace your home comfort system can be a difficult decision to make. If you are having problems with you heating and air conditioning system or are frequently putting money into it it may be time for a replacement. Contact ACI Northwest for the guidance you need when considering the installation of a new HVAC system.

One of the main factors to keep in mind when considering the installation of a replacement heating and air conditioning system in Coeur d’Alene is the age of your existing system. If it is more than ten or fifteen years old chances are it is not as efficient as models on the market today. You may be able to offset some of the expenses of the initial investment with energy savings over time.

If you home suffers from very bad air quality, including heavy humidity, excessive dust or other allergen problems your ductwork or heating and cooling units may be the cause. Repairs may fix the problem, but at a certain point replacement becomes the best option.

Finally, if you are frequently paying for HVAC maintenance and repair services only to see you utility costs going up you should really consider the installation of a replacement system. Sometimes machinery is simply worn out, and not amount of maintenance or repair can restore it to its former performance levels. Get the peace of mind, efficiency and exceptional performance you deserve with a replacement HVAC system.

Any investment on this scale is a big decision. Do not let that intimidate you into inaction, though. Contact ACI Northwest to discuss the installation of a replacement heating and air conditioning system in your Coeur d’Alene home. Sometimes it is the only solution to your HVAC issues.

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FAQ: Why Is There a Delay on My Gas Furnace Ignition?

Monday, December 10th, 2012

If there’s a delay on the ignition for the gas furnace in your Coeur d’Alene home, call ACI Northwest, Inc. There could be another hidden issue, or even a safety concern. Here are a few reasons you could be having this problem.

A delayed ignition could mean that the gas is not getting to the burners soon enough. Because the excess gas can collect in the chamber, it can cause a flashing flame that can be very hot and dangerous.  One way to tell if you have a delayed ignition is by listening for unusual or loud noises after you turn on the furnace. It could be the unburned gas that has built up in the chamber igniting and causing a small explosion sound. This could lead to a fire or other hazard if left unresolved.

Your igniter could be broken, or there could be a clogged burner causing the problem. This is why it’s important to call a repair technician to pinpoint the source of the problem. Once that is established, you can help prevent it from happening in the future once the technician fixes the problem.

If you aren’t sure whether or not you have a delayed gas furnace ignition, call Coeur d’Alene heating technicians at ACI Northwest, Inc. any time. We are always on call for emergency repairs, and we’ll send someone to your home as soon as we can to get your gas furnace working properly again.

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Boiler Tips: What You Should Know About Operating Your Boiler System

Monday, December 3rd, 2012

If you have a boiler system in your home, let the heating experts take care of routine tune-ups and repairs. You can help maintain your boiler by knowing how to safely operate the equipment.  Even if you schedule routine maintenance visits with us, there are some things you can do to maintain the boiler system in your home.

While a professional technician should handle tasks like measuring the pressure and sediment removal, you can check the pressure gauge every so often to make sure the levels are okay. Call the heating experts at ACI Northwest if you aren’t sure how to do this or what the proper levels are for your particular boiler model.

You can help ensure that your boiler is efficient by keeping a record of your heating bills. Other tasks for gas boilers include, making sure your carbon monoxide detectors are working. Carbon monoxide intrusion is a serious concern. You can also check the pilot light. Call a professional heating technician if your pilot light is not consistently a blue color. Yellow or orange could indicate a problem.

We recommend that you have your boiler checked by a Spokane Valley heating professional annually. This will help ensure that your boiler is running safely and efficiently. Always feel free to call the friendly heating experts at ACI Northwest if you have any questions about how to help maintain or operate your boiler. Contact ACI Northwest Inc. today for heating services you can trust.

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Home Energy Tip: Small Heating Upgrades

Monday, November 26th, 2012

If you are looking for some small, easy steps can to maximize your heating system’s efficiency, call the Hayden, ID home energy experts at ACI Northwest. We can help you by providing a few tips and guidelines about energy savings. Here are a few tips to get you started.

The Environmental Protection Agency states that close to 50%of home energy waste can be erased just by making small upgrades and reducing certain energy usage. A first step can be taken by purchasing Energy Star appliances. Purchasing Energy Star heating products along with adding insulation to your house are major steps, but there are smaller steps that are just as effective at improving your heating system’s performance.

Candle Test for Air Leaks

An easy way for homeowners to do their own energy efficiency check is to perform a candle test to locate drafts. Simply light a candle and position it near doors and windows. If you see the flame flickering that indicates those openings have a draft. Fixing those problem areas and reducing drafts will help warm the house more efficiently.

Programmable Thermostat

An easy, yet effective way to improve your heating system is to install a programmable thermostat in your home. Depending on the model you purchase, this is an upgrade that won’t cost you a lot of money. You do want to make sure that the model you buy is compatible with your heating system.  Certain types of programmable thermostats are manufactured to function with multiple-stage heat pumps; others are designed to work only with single stage furnaces. If you aren’t certain which programmable thermostat suits for your home, call a professional to help you decide what is best for you. Also consider installing ceiling fans and reversing their direction in the winter to help distribute the warm air.

Further steps

Another cost effective way to maximize your heating system’s output is to get an energy audit.  An energy audit can reveal places that energy is being wasted, which can then be improved. With the government and private industry working together to encourage homeowners to buy green, energy heating sources, newer, simpler heating products and incentives to upgrade may be available, as well.  Your local utility company can assist you to find out what incentives are in place to help you lessen your bill, with small, easy changes or upgrades.

Any upgrade to your heating system, large or small, the Hayden, ID heating specialists at ACI Northwest Inc. can help you with the improvements. Contact ACI Northwest Inc. today!

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Heating Tip: Why an Oversized Furnace Will Not Perform Better

Monday, November 19th, 2012

Are you considering a new furnace for your Spokane area home? Call ACI Northwest Inc. to help you select the right size and install it for you. Many contractors will try to sell you an oversized furnace and tell you that it will heat your home better; however, the opposite will occur for many reasons. Not only will you not get better performance, but you could also damage the system or make it less efficient, which means you won’t get the most out of your new investment.

Here are some reasons why an oversized furnace will not perform better than one that is the appropriate size for your home and heating needs.

First, a furnace that produces more BTUs than what you need to heat your home will use up more energy to heat a space that is too small for the output. Secondly, if your ductwork isn’t large enough to deliver the heat with the right amount of airflow, it can set off the limit switch. Constantly tripping the limit switch will needlessly shut down the furnace, and can shorten the life of the system. Lastly, you may need to replace the heat exchanger sooner than is necessary, and this is not a minor cost in the grand scheme of furnace repair or replacement needs.

If you aren’t sure what size furnace you need, call a heating contractor you can trust to help determine how many BTUs you need to properly heat your home. This will depend on the size of your home, where it is located, how much sunlight you get in the winter, and many other factors, including the condition of your ductwork and other components.

The heating experts at ACI Northwest can help you choose the correct size furnace for your heating needs and your particular home. We have many years of experience in this business, and we want to help all of our customers get the best solutions to all their heating needs. Call us any time if you have questions about furnace size and output.

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Efficiently Heating Your Home

Monday, November 12th, 2012

If you live in Hayden, your heater may get quite the workout over the year, that means that a dependable home heating system is important. Even if you do not use your heater regularly it is important that you take all the steps you can to heat your home efficiently. It will improve your comfort, reduce heating bills, and is better for the environment. Here are some tips from ACI Northwest on how you can heat your home more efficiently.

To begin with, you should have your heater professionally inspected and maintained before each heating season begins. This is the only way to ensure that your heater is in the condition it needs to be in in order to heat your home efficiently and effectively. Don’t wait for a chilly night to realize that you heater is not up to the task of keeping you warm. Running a damaged or otherwise compromised heater puts your comfort and the integrity of that heater at risk.

You know those ceiling fans that you have running in your home all summer long? Don’t shut them off when the cool weather arrives. Ceiling fans actually have two setting on them, and switching your fans over to the winter setting can help you heat your home more efficiently. Keep the blades spinning clockwise in the cold months to push warm air that has risen to the ceiling back down to the ground. This also helps promote even, comfortable heating throughout your home.

Be sure that you understand how to use your thermostat properly, and then be sure to use it! It is not true that the most efficient way to heat your home is by leaving the thermostat in one place. Using the programmable settings on your thermostat allows you to shape its operation to your particular lifestyle and boosts energy efficiency.

If you follow these simple tips you can start heating your Hayden home in a more affordable, efficient way. Call ACI Northwest to get started today. We have the products and services you need to comfortable all year round.

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Ventilation Tip: How Attic Fans Improve Overall Home Efficiency

Monday, October 22nd, 2012

In addition to proper insulation in your attic, there are other improvements you can make. Adding an attic fan can increase ventilation and provide benefits all year long, not just in the summer. While a whole house fan can help to provide ventilation throughout the home, an attic fan may be more appropriate for your situation. Ask your contractor if you aren’t sure.

Call the ventilation experts at ACI Northwest for more information about how to help weatherize your home for year round comfort and efficiency. To get you started, we have included some of the main ways that attic fans can improve overall home efficiency and prevent moisture problems in the home.

Creating more fresh air circulation in your attic not only helps cool the home in the summer, but it can also prevent moisture related damages. In a home that is already well-insulated and has plenty of ventilation, an attic fan will help with overall efficiency by helping to remove the hot air from the attic. In addition to keeping the home cooler in the summer, it removes the heat that rises to the attic in the winter.

You don’t want all the heat in your home trapped in the attic during the winter because it will speed up the snow melting process. If temperatures drop quickly, the snow melt can freeze and create ice dams. Ice dams can cause damage to your roof, and when they start to melt, the water can get under the shingles and into your attic. This can ruin the insulation, wood, and even dry wall and ceilings if the leak is serious enough.

If you aren’t sure whether an attic fan is right for you, call the heating and cooling specialists at ACI Northwest. We can answer all your questions and provide our expert advice.

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FAQ: Why Get a New Heating System in the Fall?

Monday, October 8th, 2012

At ACI Northwest, we know that saving money on heating costs in the winter is important to our Coeur d’ Alene customers. That’s why there’s no better time to think about upgrading to a new high-efficiency furnace, heat pump, boiler, or geothermal heat pump system.

Just like having a routine tune-up in the fall, installing a new system helps ensure that you will have an efficient and high performing heating system throughout the entire winter. A new heating system is also less likely to break down on you in the middle of the heating season. Depending on the type of heater you are interested in, fall is a good time to have a heating professional install it due to the weather changes.

For instance, installing a geothermal heating system will require drilling or digging trenches to install the loop fields. If you want a new system before the winter arrives, and you haven’t scheduled an appointment, set up a consultation soon. Doing so will increase the chances that we can install the underground pipes before the ground freezes. In addition, a geothermal heat pump can both heat and cool your home; therefore, in the fall, you won’t necessarily be using either your heat or AC, which means it will not affect your comfort during the installation.

By the same token, installing any type of heat pump system in the fall is a good idea due to less need for heating or air conditioning when the weather is temperate. For furnaces and boilers, you will want to ensure that they are working before you need to turn on your heating system. In addition, you may decide that it’s time to replace your heating system during the annual check-up in the fall. Our technicians will test the efficiency of your current system, and provide a full inspection to help you decide whether or not a replacement is the most cost-effective choice.

Call ACI Northwest if you are considering a new heating system. We can help you with all your Coeur d’ Alene heating needs.

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Heating Question: Can My Generator Power My Heating System in an Outage?

Monday, October 1st, 2012

Back-up generators come in many types and sizes. There are many that are perfectly capable of powering a heating system during a power outage, but you’ll need to know how much energy your heating system needs, as well as how much energy you’ll be using for other appliances like your refrigerator, television, lights and microwave.

Calculating Your Wattage Use

You’ll have to check your heating system and other appliances to find out exactly how much energy they each use. But just to get a general idea of what this total will be like, we can use some common numbers from current energy star models. On average, a furnace fan takes 400-600 watts to keep running, a refrigerator uses about 200 watts and a microwave consumes about 1,200 watts when in operation.

These numbers don’t tell the whole story, though, because they don’t take into account the fact that most of these appliances take much more energy to start than they do to keep running. For instance, that same furnace fan requires about 1,600 watts to start and the refrigerator likely needs another 1,600. Of course, you don’t need to turn all of these appliances on at once, so if you’re careful and creative with when and in what order you use them, you can get by with much less available wattage.

Generator Types

Both portable and stationary generators are available in a wide variety of sizes, although stationary systems are generally much more powerful than their portable counterparts. If you plan on powering your home for a long period of time or you have a lot of powerful appliances you want to keep on, a stationary generator may be necessary.

For more information about installing a generator in your home, give ACI Northwest a call!

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Heating Question: What is AFUE and Why Should I Care?

Monday, September 17th, 2012

There are quite a few numbers attached to the components of your home’s heating system. One number that you’ll see a lot when looking for a new home heating system is AFUE. Used to describe the efficiency of gas furnaces, AFUE is an important measurement that can affect both the cost of installation and the cost of operating your furnace over time.

What AFUE Means

AFUE stands for Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency and refers to how much fuel a device consumes per year compared to how much heat it produces in that same period of time. This is often averaged over the course of a full  year to account for extreme conditions.

Effectively, what AFUE measures is the percentage of fuel consumed by your furnace that is converted into heat. So, if your furnace burns 1 therm of natural gas, how much heat energy is produced from that combustion? The closer it gets to 1 therm of energy, the higher the percentage.

How Much AFUE Is Good?

Modern furnaces range between 80% AFUE and 98% AFUE. The lowest legally allowed furnaces on the market carry a rating of 80% which is still quite good if you consider that most systems build in the 1970s and 1980s have ratings below 70%. So, if you have an older system in your Spokane home, you can almost guarantee that even the most basic replacement furnace will save you money on your heating bills.

At the same time, if you can afford the top of the line, today’s high end gas furnaces offer near perfect conversion of fuel into heat, with exceptional 97% and 98% AFUE ratings. These devices cost more to install, but the lifetime savings on your energy bills are such that they are often well worth paying that higher installation cost for. In fact, they often pay for themselves in 10 years or less, making them a good fit for anyone eager to cut their heating bills by as much as possible.

If you’re looking to upgrade your furnace, give ACI Northwest a call today! Our heating technicians are experts in furnace installation and repair.

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