ACI Northwest Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Coeur d’Alene’

Why Your Lights Are Flickering

Monday, August 2nd, 2021

Have you noticed that some of the lights in your home are flickering when they are on? Or maybe they seem to get bright but then tend to get dimmer over time. As you can probably guess, this isn’t normal. And no, it isn’t the effect of the crazy heat simply wearing down your electrical system. (If you are having trouble with frequent circuit trips from using your AC though, we’d suggest giving us a call for some help about that too.)

Make no mistake though, flickering lights are a sign of trouble within your electrical system—it just isn’t due to the summer heat. It may be due to wires in your home that are improperly done and are arcing and melting through. Or it could be due to a different issue within your system. We’ll detail some of the causes of flickering lights so you know why it is vital for you to reach out to a professional electrician in Coeur d’Alene, ID.

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How An Air Filter Helps Your Home

Monday, May 24th, 2021

Have you ever encountered a small dust devil? These are small but well-formed whirlwinds that are made visible by picking up dirt, dust, and other debris. It sounds a little dirty and it is. If you turn on your HVAC system and discover that you can find small dust devils in your home, it means you have a little too much dust around the house.

You can go on a cleaning spree, but this isn’t likely to solve the problem for a longer period of time. A good solution to consider will be the installation of a system for air filtration in Coeur d’Alene, ID.

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Tips For Peak AC Efficiency This Season

Monday, May 10th, 2021

outside unit of an air conditioner sitting on pile of moneyWe may still be in the midst of spring, but don’t be fooled–summer is coming. And when the heatwave arrives, you’ll be glad you have powerful air conditioning in Coeur d’Alene, ID to keep your home cool and livable. The only catch here is that you might be worried about the cooling bills this season.

Even with great maintenance and upkeep, you might be noticing that your energy bills are higher than you’d like. Maybe they aren’t spiking but they are simply a bit more expensive than in previous years. This is likely due to something hindering your system’s efficiency.

We can help. We’re providing some helpful tips that will ensure you get the best “bang for your buck” from your air conditioner this summer. And, if those energy bills continue to rise, we’re also here to help with maintenance, repairs, and more to get things back to normal again.

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Can You Get AC Maintenance Done Now?

Friday, May 7th, 2021

Haven’t gotten your AC maintenance in several years? Wondering if it’s too late to start now? 

When it comes to AC maintenance, it’s better late than never. Regular AC maintenance is essential to running your unit smoothly for years to come. You can save money and inconvenience due to expensive repairs. 

It’s not always obvious to the untrained eye if an AC unit is in need of a tune-up. However, there are a few red flags to look for, in which case, you should immediately schedule AC maintenance services in Coeur d’Alene, ID.

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Don’t Ignore End-of-Season Repairs

Monday, April 26th, 2021

As seasons change from winters to summers, homeowners start to use appliances that have been sitting idle for a long time. To their disappointment, they may find their air conditioner or heater malfunctioning. This is due to the lack of usage accompanied by an absence of seasonal maintenance or repair.

It is best if you don’t avoid end-of-season repairs if you want to transition peacefully between the seasons. In the long run, you will thank yourself for going the slightly extra mile.

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3 Signs You Need a Generator Repair

Monday, April 12th, 2021

Timely repairs are necessary to keep your generator working smoothly. If you neglect generator maintenance, you risk having a minor issue worsening into something that requires costly repairs or replacements. Proper and frequent maintenance is crucial if you want your generator to stay in its prime. If you find any signs that you need a generator repair, arrange for generator repair experts to mitigate the problem and find the appropriate solution.

Unsure of what these signs are? Here are three critical ones to look out for:

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Is Your Home Prepared For Allergy Season?

Monday, January 18th, 2021

Sick woman blowing her noseEverything outside seems to be tucked in for the winter. Flowers are hiding underground or closed up, trees have shed their leaves, and so on. With no major pollen producers around, it can be easy to forget what is coming when spring arrives: allergy season. We bring this up early because we want to make sure that you and your home are ready to fight back against any indoor air quality hindrances, such as pollen or other allergens, that may mess with your comfort.

There is more than one way to combat those nasty allergens when they try to invade your home and your sinuses. With the help of these tips and our indoor air quality systems in Coeur d’Alene, ID, you won’t have to stress or sneeze nearly as much when seasonal allergy season hits.

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5 Signs Your Heat Pump Needs Help

Monday, January 4th, 2021

close-up-view-of-ductless-systemIt worked hard all summer to keep your home cool and now you are relying on it to keep you warm in the coming months. Your heat pump has a big job to do and most of the time it is up to the task. There will come a day, however, when this usually reliable system isn’t as helpful as it should be. When that happens, it’s a good idea to reach out to a professional for guidance—you may need to schedule repairs for this Coeur d’Alene, ID heating system, and the sooner that is done the better off you’ll be.

At this point, you may be asking, “But how do I know my heat pump needs repairs?” A good question, one we’re happy to answer. We have provided some indicators that will tell you it is time to schedule heat pump repairs with our team. We’re ready when you are.

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Give Your Furnace the Gift of Professional Heating Repair

Monday, December 21st, 2020

technician-working-on-heaterIt can be tempting to see if someone less experienced can fix up your furnace when it isn’t working right. Maybe you’ve even found yourself looking up potential DIY fixes for this heating system. While these approaches may seem like they will save you cash, they really will only put your furnace’s well-being and your safety at risk. There is nothing that can or should ever replace professional furnace repair in Coeur d’Alene, ID.

With that said, we have a question for you: is something wrong with your furnace? Chances are there is, since you are hunting for furnace repair solutions. Don’t try to get through the coldest months of the year without a reliable heater; instead, reach out to ACI Northwest for the professional repairs you need.

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3 Repairs Your Furnace May Need

Monday, September 28th, 2020

gas-jets-of-furnace-ignitingTemperatures around here are certainly taking a drop which means it is time to break out the sweaters and hot drinks. That means that it is also time for you to really think about your furnace. If you’ve already scheduled maintenance for your furnace then you are on the right track! If you haven’t gotten a tune-up just yet, there is a chance that you might need to have your system repaired down the road instead.

If you’ve been trying to get the furnace to keep your home warm the past several nights but it hasn’t been up to snuff, trouble may be on the horizon. When it comes to furnace repair in Coeur d’Alene, you don’t want to delay any necessary fixes. Here are some potential repairs you might need to have taken care of.

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