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ACI Northwest Blog

Why You Should Consider a Surge Protector

outlet-on-wall-with-cord-plugged-inWas that thunder you just heard? You know that thunder and lightning go hand-in-hand so you are a little worried about your electrical appliances. Or maybe the wind has been particularly strong today and you are sweating over how strong that wooden pole is that is holding up the powerlines. Worrying about the factors that could cause a power surge that shuts down your home functions is something we all have done.

If you have a surge protector, however, you don’t have to worry.

Surge protectors are great additions to your home that offer some great protections from strong power surges that could otherwise cause damage to appliances around your home or even cause your home to lose power entirely. If you are considering surge protectors for your home and wondering if they are the right fit for you, we can help you make that decision with the information you need and the electricians in Spokane Valley, WA who can get the job done.

What is a Whole House Surge Protector?

When you think of a surge protector, you may picture the rectangular, plug-in power strip that you purchase at the store. While a power strip surge protector can offer a lesser layer of protection to the appliances connected to is, this isn’t what will really protect your house when you need it. What you really want is a whole house surge protector.

Whole house surge protectors are different because, rather than plugging into an outlet, they are installed as a part of your home’s electrical panel to protect your home from power surges both major and minor.

How Does a Surge Protector Help Me?

So here’s the deal. While a power strip simply cuts off power when there is a power surge, a surge protector instead diverts that electricity into your home’s grounding line. Whenever there is a surge that is over 120 volts, your surge protector will safely and effectively move energy away from your home. This leaves your home appliances protected and will help you avoid having to reset switches around your home whenever there is a small surge.

Benefits of installing a whole house surge protector include:

  • Stops different surge sizes: With a surge protector, you are protected from small surge and large ones.
  • Saves appliances: Your appliances can retain damage from surges without the aid of a surge protector.
  • Saves money: A surge protector is more affordable to replace than your air conditioner or refrigerator.

Does your home need a little extra protection moving forward? If you want to be able to rest in the knowledge that your home appliances will be kept safe, no matter if there is a lightning storm or just a small unnoticeable surge, you may want to consider a surge protector. Just remember, installing a surge protector is a job best done by the professionals. The team at ACI Northwest are the experts you can trust to handle this job right.

ACI Northwest is here to help with your home comfort needs or concerns. Please do not hesitate to contact us for helpful advice. Reach out to us today.

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