ACI Northwest Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Spokane’

Staying Cool during a Summer Power Outage

Monday, July 22nd, 2019

row-of-homes-in-summerWhile power outages aren’t something you’d usually think about this time of the year, they can certainly happen—whether it’s in your individual home due to excessive AC use or a widespread outage.

When we’re at the peak of summer and temperatures are soaring, this can, of course, be a very inconvenient problem. So, if you do experience a summer power outage this season, what can you do to stay cool?

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Can Better Indoor Air Quality Help my AC System?

Monday, July 8th, 2019

question-mark-on-blue-backgroundThe short answer to this is, “yes.”

But, please let us elaborate! The type of indoor air quality problem we’re thinking about here is humidity—the excessive moisture that we are well familiar with. In the summer, that humidity makes us feel even less comfortable and the only way to really dissipate indoor humidity is to lower the temperature. So, you’d likely turn on your air conditioner and set the thermostat to the lowest temperature possible.

But, not only is this inefficient, but it also strains your air conditioner and causes it to accumulate wear and tear faster than it should. Additionally, you’re not actually removing the humidity in an effective way. Read on to learn more!

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“Does My Fuse Box Need to Be Upgraded?”

Monday, June 24th, 2019

electricians-hands-fixing-electrical-panelThe short answer to this is, “yes.” And the reason the answer is “yes” is because if you’re still using a fuse box in your home, it is outdated—homes built after the 1960’s no longer use them and there is likely much more of electrical demand on your home now.

Instead, what your home needs is a professionally installed and serviced electrical panel with circuit breakers. This is where incoming electricity is routed into different circuits, and each of the circuit breakers is designed to shut off circuits if there is a voltage overload.

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Is Your Cooling System Right for Your Specific Home?

Monday, June 10th, 2019

woman-sitting-on-couch-operating-ductless-air-handlerOr, should you go ductless?

Let’s say you have always had a central air conditioner in your home. It works “just fine” and you’ve been paying what you would expect for its use throughout the years. Sure, you could use the space your ductwork is taking up for storage or other means, but having air ducts is just a part of staying comfortable each summer, right?

Well, have we got news for you! A traditional central air conditioner is NOT your only option, and although it may be “okay” for your home, there might be a better option—such as the aforementioned ductless system. Keep reading to learn more!

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For Optimal Efficiency, Schedule AC Repairs ASAP

Monday, May 27th, 2019

technician-working-on-ac-outdoor-unitHave you scheduled professional maintenance for your air conditioner yet this season? If not, it’s not too late! In fact, it is more important that you have maintenance done on a regular basis than it does the time of year you have it done—though we typically recommend springtime since it’s right before you’ll need your cooling system the most.

Why is maintenance so important? Well, it’s during this service that our technicians thoroughly inspect your air conditioner. We’ll clean the system inside and out, while checking for any components that need adjusting and checking for any repair needs. The latter is what we want to discuss today.

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Factors to Consider with a Furnace Replacement

Monday, April 1st, 2019

checklist-animationSpring may officially be here, but we’re still dealing with cooler temps for now. Hopefully, your heater has served you well this winter and you’re still keeping warm and comfortable in your home. If it hasn’t, or if you’ve decided this is its last winter, you may be considering a replacement. This is a huge investment and it’s important that you consider it carefully. When you contact our team for any sort of furnace service in Spokane, WA, you can count on us to help you make an educated decision.

We believe that selecting a new heater doesn’t have to be complicated or scary, so long as you work with an HVAC pro who is aware of your home’s specific needs. Keep reading for our brief guide on selecting a new heater. And don’t hesitate to reach out for more information!

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Do Ductless Systems Have Unique Repair Needs?

Monday, March 18th, 2019

close-up-view-of-ductless-systemWhen customers ask about options for new heaters and even new air conditioners today, we’re fast to recommend the ductless system. Reason being, these systems are extremely efficient and very effective in their operation. Rather than function by using a network of air ducts connect to an indoor air handler (like a traditional central air conditioner), a ductless system has an outdoor unit to which you can connect up to 4 indoor air handlers. These air handlers are mounted up high on the walls of the rooms where they’re installed, and can be controlled independently from one another.

There are a variety of advantages to going ductless in your home. But it’s important to remember that these systems are not immune to the need for heating repair in Spokane, WA, especially if you don’t have yours professionally installed or maintained. Given that, we’re going to discuss some unique needs that can come up for your ductless system, if you neglect it.

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Boost Your Heating Efficiency and Spend Less

Monday, February 18th, 2019

gas-powered-furnace-systemWhen it comes to heating in Spokane, WA, you need a system that will perform as effectively and efficiently as possible. Considering that most of our year is cool, you don’t want to be stuck without a fully functioning heating system in place. You also don’t want to be stuck paying for much higher energy bills than you should be. One way to ensure this isn’t the case is by scheduling annual maintenance for your heater, which we hope you did in the fall. Another way is by following up on repair needs ASAP.

We have some good news, too. Boosting your heating efficiency doesn’t just require you to invest in what can be costly HVAC services. There are simple things you can do around the house to boost that efficiency (and therefore, the cost effectiveness) of your heater. Keep reading to learn more!

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Signs It Is Time to Replace Your Furnace

Monday, February 4th, 2019

technician-looking-over-gas-powered-furnaceBefore winter starts each year, we encourage—well, we urge—our customers to schedule furnace maintenance with professional HVAC technicians. The reason for this is because a maintenance tune-up helps our technicians spot small problems before they grow into much bigger emergency needs. The last thing you want is to be stuck with a broken down heater right when you need it the most, right?

Just like any other large appliance or piece of equipment, though, your furnace won’t last forever—even with maintenance! So, at what point do you stop depending on maintenance tune-ups and furnace repair in Spokane, WA, and instead choose to replace your furnace altogether? This is a question we’re going to answer below, and it’s probably the biggest question you’ll ever have to face with your furnace system. Fortunately, you aren’t alone in making this decision—our team is here to help you make an informed choice.

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Do You Have Faulty Outlets in Your Home?

Monday, October 1st, 2018

American electrical outlet and cover plate, with screwdriver and wire nutsWith the exception of 1 day a month when you pay your electric bill, chances are that you don’t give a lot of thought to your electrical system at all. In fact, you may even take it for granted, absentmindedly plumbing in items like your hair dryer, phone, and laptop charger all at once, never expecting that it will be an issue.

So, if you find an electrical outlet not working, it’s likely pretty frustrating. Additionally, it could be the sign of a serious Spokane, WA electrical repair service need. But what exactly is it that causes failed or faulty electrical outlets?

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