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Serving The Greater
Coeur D’Alene & Spokane Area

Serving The Greater Coeur D’Alene & Spokane Area


ACI Northwest Blog

5 Easy Ways to Save Electricity Around the Home

Looking for ways to save money on your energy bills without sacrificing your home comfort? Follow these 5 simply tips that can help you to cut down your bills. Contact our friendly helpful technicians for more information!

  • Replace your lightbulbs with energy efficient compact fluorescent (CFL) bulbs. Check the labels at the store and make sure you’ve chosen efficient CFL bulbs that are the right size for the fixture you are using. They may be more costly than other bulbs at first, but they can last decades and will use much less electricity over the years.
  • Wash with cold water. Cold water can get your laundry and dishes clean just as well as hot water, and you can save money on your water heating bills—up to 40 cents per load of laundry.
  • Use a power strip. Plug in your electronics to a power strip, and shut off the power button on the power strip when you are done using them.
  • Learn to use your programmable thermostat. Many homeowners are unsure of how to use their homes’ programmable thermostats for maximum energy savings. Locate the manual for your thermostat (try searching online!), or call a technician for help understanding the settings. In the summer, find the warmest temperature that is the most comfortable for everyone in your family—experts recommend 78° F—and keep it at this setting most of the time. Program the thermostat 10° higher for when you are away or asleep. Keep it at 68° F in the winter.
  • Change or clean your air filter. The air filter in your heating and air conditioning system helps to keep your air clean and stops debris from interfering with system operation. When it’s too dirty, air may be unable to flow into the system, which means it will have to use a lot of energy in an attempt to cool or heat your home. Change or clean the filter (if it is reusable) once a month for better efficiency.

ACI Northwest is here to help with your home comfort needs or concerns. Please do not hesitate to contact us for helpful advice or service in Coeur d’Alene and the surrounding areas.

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