ACI Northwest Blog: Archive for the ‘Indoor Air Quality’ Category

This Winter, Protect Your Indoor Air Quality

Monday, January 2nd, 2017

There are a number of sources that poor indoor air quality can originate from. For instance, pollen, pet dander and other allergens can make their way into your home from the outdoors, simply due to an open door or even a clogged HVAC air filter.

Your indoor air quality can also be negatively impacted by the cleaning products that you use, as well as seemingly harmless odors from cooking and baking, something that has been done in excess in recent weeks. Given that it’s winter, you can probably add in the use of your fireplace as well as the use of scented candles as adversaries to your indoor air quality.

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How Can UV Lights Improve Your Health?

Monday, November 14th, 2016

When it comes to your health, you may think about how outdoor air impacts your body. Smog, cigarette smoke, pollen, and dust are all threats to your health. But do you ever think about your indoor air? Maybe you believe that your air filter is fully effective at eliminating all contaminants from your air.

While a high-efficient air filter, when changed or cleaned as often as needed, will be effective at removing some pollutants from your home, there are others that a standard filter simply cannot combat. We’re talking about mold, mildew, and spores.

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The Dangers of High Humidity

Monday, October 17th, 2016

When you think of humidity, you probably think about how much hotter it makes you feel during the summer. The excess moisture that high humidity levels bring is not just a once-a-year problem though—fall and winter can present some extreme humidity levels as well. This is particularly true when we have rainy weeks like the one we just experienced.

Air conditioning systems help remove some moisture from the air through condensing excess moisture along the indoor coil. However, not only are AC systems very limited on how much dehumidifying they can do, that doesn’t help at all when temperatures are as low as they are currently and you wouldn’t even think of using your cooling system.

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How Does Professional Duct Sealing Work?

Sunday, August 14th, 2016

One of the main problems that homeowners contend with in regards to their ductwork is the risk of air loss. In fact, 30% of an HVAC system’s air loss can come from breached air ducts. The best way to combat this and reduce costly air loss is with professional duct sealing. This may seem to you like something the average homeowner can accomplish with some simple duct tape. However, duct tape is not appropriately named and will not get the job done. Professional duct sealing involves a lot more than you may realize. We’ve summarized below.

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How Do UV Germicidal Lights Work?

Monday, July 4th, 2016

Are you concerned about the amount of biological contaminants present in your indoor air? If so, the best way to fight them off is with ultraviolet (UV) lighting. Referred to as either UV air purifiers or UV germicidal lights, UV lights act as air purifiers, and eliminate harmful particles such as mold, mildew, and other microorganisms from your HVAC system.

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Should You Have an Air Purifier Installed This Summer?

Monday, June 13th, 2016

When you think about your indoor air quality, what comes to mind? If you are like most homeowners, your thoughts probably go straight to the temperature of your home. Most people don’t give very much thought to the cleanliness of their air, even though this can have a significant impact on their health.

In fact, health experts say that the indoor air quality of our homes can actually be worse than that of the outdoors—particularly during this time of year. It’s important that you not neglect any aspects of your indoor air quality—you should aim to achieve the right temperature, humidity levels, and indoor air quality.

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How Can the AirScrubber Plus® Improve Your Indoor Air Quality?

Monday, May 23rd, 2016

Homes today are built with tight construction, as to not let any air escape from your living space. This is extremely beneficial for your HVAC system, which is able to work at the highest efficiency possible. However, this is not so great for your indoor air quality.

In fact, your indoor air quality can actually be worse that the outdoor air quality, particularly during this time of year. The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) even ranks indoor air pollution among the top five environmental dangers! So, how can we resolve this?

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Understanding Threats to Your Indoor Air Quality

Monday, May 16th, 2016

One of the biggest threats to your home’s indoor air quality is a poorly maintained HVAC system, or damaged ductwork. Investing in routine maintenance—at least once a year—can help fend off these problems. However, it’s important to be aware of where these threats come from and what other dangers exist.

Poor indoor air quality is more than just inconvenient and uncomfortably. It is unhealthy, capable of affecting even the healthiest people in your household. Keep reading to learn more about common sources of indoor air quality problems.

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Get to Know Your Air Ducts: A Vital Component of Your HVAC System

Monday, January 4th, 2016

When you think about the performance of your HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) system, you are likely to focus on the actual heating or air conditioning unit. The large outdoor unit in your backyard is tough to miss, and you might occasionally get a glimpse of the indoor portion of the system along with your furnace.

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Keep Healthy this Winter with an Indoor Air Quality Upgrade

Monday, December 21st, 2015

It can be tough to stay healthy in the winter. There are a number of obstacles that can get in the ways of a healthy lifestyle: unhealthy holiday meals, cold weather that makes it tough to get outside and exercise, and group gatherings that make it more likely for illnesses to spread.

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