ACI Northwest Blog: Archive for the ‘Electrical’ Category

Check Your Electrical System Before Plugging in Holiday Lights!

Monday, December 9th, 2019

holiday-lights-cozy-settingIt’s the most wonderful time of the year!

Goodwill is in the chilly air, gifts are being purchased, and evenings are being spent in comfort by the fire (or simply enjoying the modern marvel of central heating). If you are like us, chances are you are already in the process of decorating your home for the holidays. Multiple strings of lights and decorations will bedeck your home inside and out.

Before you dive in too deep on plugging in all those light, we want to give you a quick warning that you may want to check your electrical panel. The reason why we are offering this word of caution is that the wrong string of lights could overload your electrical panel and cause a decent amount of trouble.

If you aren’t in the mood to deal with electrical trouble this holiday season, our advice to be to find out what you need to be cautious of and what you can do to keep this month free of unwanted sparks.

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Know Your Electrical Outlets

Monday, October 14th, 2019

new-GFCI-electrical-outletAs the seasons change and the weather cools, we all start plugging things in. During fall and winter, we actually plug in a lot of things. From hair dryers to electric blankets to additional lights to moving Halloween decorations, your plugs are probably seeing a lot of use.

But have you ever considered what all that use could do if your house hasn’t been correctly outfitted with the recommended outlets? At the least, improperly installed or incorrectly placed outlets can cause an electrical short. At the worst, they could put you or your loved one at risk of a serious electrical shock, or they could cause a major fire.

Using the correct outlets can greatly reduce these risks, which is why were want to make sure you understand what outlets you should use, why you should use them, and where.

Read on to learn more.

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“Does My Fuse Box Need to Be Upgraded?”

Monday, June 24th, 2019

electricians-hands-fixing-electrical-panelThe short answer to this is, “yes.” And the reason the answer is “yes” is because if you’re still using a fuse box in your home, it is outdated—homes built after the 1960’s no longer use them and there is likely much more of electrical demand on your home now.

Instead, what your home needs is a professionally installed and serviced electrical panel with circuit breakers. This is where incoming electricity is routed into different circuits, and each of the circuit breakers is designed to shut off circuits if there is a voltage overload.

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Remodeling Your Home? Beware These Safety Hazards!

Monday, May 13th, 2019

outlet-on-wall-with-cord-plugged-inWhen remodeling your home, there are so many factors to take into consideration. For instance, if the renovation includes your kitchen, you have not only appliances and cabinetry to think about, but also your plumbing fixtures and lighting. Or if you’re redoing a family room, you may need to do some rewiring to move an entertainment system.

The one thing many remodeling jobs have in common is that it may require at least a small change to your electrical system. And if you’re doing your remodel without a professional helping, then you could very well run into some safety hazards. For this reason, we highly recommend working with a trained and experienced electrician for a job of this caliber.

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Yikes! High Electric Bill? Here’s Why

Monday, January 21st, 2019

Scared looking woman hiding picking through dollar banknotesIt’s no secret that this time of the year, energy bills are high. This is particularly true if you have an electric furnace or some other type of electric heating system. But there is the standard “higher bill” during this time of the year, and there are electrical bills that are far beyond the scope of what you’d imagine it should be.

Your HVAC systems do account for over half of all your energy costs, but this isn’t the only contributor to high electric bills. And if your bills are much higher than last year, or in comparison to your neighbors, then something is definitely up. We first urge you to have your HVAC systems inspected in case a neglected repair need or some system inefficiency is what’s causing this spike. In the absence of an heater problem though, we urge you to consider the following possibilities:

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What a GFCI Outlet Is (And Why You Should Care)

Monday, December 24th, 2018

A new GFCI electrical outlet.In our previous post, we delved into what exactly can cause your electrical system to get overloaded when you add holiday lights, and talked about the outlets that would most likely be affected by this overload—the GFCI outlet.

The fact is, there have been many changes in the electrical usage of homes throughout the country, with most households consuming at least double the electricity than ever before, even without adding on holiday lights during this time of the year. It’s vital, then, that your electrical wiring and system stays current with this rise in consumption—and this includes outlets.

Should you discover or suspect you need an outlet upgrade or some other type of electrical work, don’t hesitate to contact our team of professionals for electrical services in Coeur d’Alene, ID. In the meantime, read on to learn more about this GFCI outlet, and why you should care about it.

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Could Your Holiday Lights Be Threatening Your Electrical System?

Monday, December 10th, 2018

woman sitting in her home with holiday lights on a tree in the foregroundThe holiday season is well upon us, and if you are like many homeowners in our area, you are likely decorating your home, if you haven’t done so already. Quite often, this means putting up holiday lights in and around your home.

You may be surprised to learn that one of the most frequent calls received by our professional electricians is in regards to outlets and wall switches failing to operate, and tripped circuit breakers. This may include areas such as your bathroom, garage, or even outdoors. And the most common reason for these components not working is due to holiday lights overloading the electrical system. We are, of course, always happy to help you out with professional Coeur d’Alene electrical services should something like this occur in your home, but we’d also like to help you understand what’s going on and what you can do about it.

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Whole-House Generators: Do You Have One?

Monday, November 26th, 2018

A home generator that provides electricity during a power outage. It is connected to a propane gas supply.With winter well on its way, you probably are thinking about a lot of different things—the holiday season, your kids getting out of school for winter break, if you scheduled maintenance for your heating system yet, and if your generator is ready in case there’s a power outage.

Wait, what’s that? You don’t have a generator in place? Or you do, and you haven’t had it maintained or checked to make sure it can handle a sudden winter power outage? Either way, you can contact our team for quality, reliable Coeur d’Alene generator services. In the meantime, read on to learn more about these systems.

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Should Your Smoke Detectors be Hardwired?

Monday, October 15th, 2018

Common plastic white home smoke detector alarm, preventing an abnormal smoke in the room from perhaps a fire with a sound very loud. In the image, there is a big fire in the room and there is smoke that rises to the ceiling where is placed the equipement. This one is mounted on wooden ceiling. For example in France country, those smoke detector are required since march 2015. On the sensor is written that we should not paint it, and direction to open or close it, there is the test button because we need to check it regularly, and a red led indicating that the battery inside is always good.Hopefully, you already understand how important it is to have a functional smoke detector, a.k.a fire alarm, in each room of your house. This isn’t just one of those “good idea to have” kind of things—it is absolutely essential to the safety of your family and the protection of your valuables.

What many homeowners often don’t realize, however, is that they can and should have their smoke detectors hardwired into their electrical system, too. When it comes time to schedule this service, be sure to get in touch with expert electricians in Sandpoint, ID.

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Do You Have Faulty Outlets in Your Home?

Monday, October 1st, 2018

American electrical outlet and cover plate, with screwdriver and wire nutsWith the exception of 1 day a month when you pay your electric bill, chances are that you don’t give a lot of thought to your electrical system at all. In fact, you may even take it for granted, absentmindedly plumbing in items like your hair dryer, phone, and laptop charger all at once, never expecting that it will be an issue.

So, if you find an electrical outlet not working, it’s likely pretty frustrating. Additionally, it could be the sign of a serious Spokane, WA electrical repair service need. But what exactly is it that causes failed or faulty electrical outlets?

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