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Serving The Greater Coeur D’Alene & Spokane Area


ACI Northwest Blog

You Can Schedule End-of-Season Maintenance Too


One of the services that we can talk all day about is maintenance. After all, it is one of the most cost-effective ways to make a big difference in the operation of your AC system. But if you’ve ever heard us discuss maintenance before, you’ve probably heard it said that this is a springtime service. So why are we bringing it up now, when we are getting further from spring and closer to fall? Because maintenance can still make a difference.

If you have an air conditioner that has been running hard all season, it may be good to also invest in a tune-up toward the end of summer. When a professional performs this air conditioning service in Coeur d’Alene, ID, it will benefit your AC by ensuring it works optimally for the rest of the season and that it will be less likely to develop a repair need by next summer.

Why Choose End-of-Season Maintenance

So why bother with maintenance towards the end of the cooling season? It may seem like a waste, but we can assure you that it can and will pay off. Here are some reasons to schedule AC maintenance toward the end of the season.

  • You skipped maintenance in spring. It happens; spring comes and goes and you realize that you forgot to schedule a tune-up. If this sounds like you, not to worry. Get a tune-up at the end of the season and it will still benefit your AC.
  • Your AC has seen some extra-hard use this summer. Maybe you’ve been running your AC a little harder this summer, like if you have a new bundle of joy and you have to keep the room cooler at night. If your system has seen a lot more action than before, an end-of-season tune-up may be a great way to relieve some of the added wear and tear.
  • Your AC is getting older and you’d like to avoid repairs. Your air conditioner is getting older and you want to do everything possible to help keep it running for as many years as you can. We get that. We also understand that you’d want to keep repairs to a minimum. Getting a tune-up at the end of the cooling season is a great way to help your AC go that much further.
  • You want optimal effectiveness and efficiency. No matter what time of year it is, professional AC maintenance is going to help your system cool your house more effectively and do so in a more energy-efficient manner.

Looking to give your air conditioner a little extra TLC as summer heads towards a close? We can help provide the services you need to keep your system in the best condition possible. No matter the time of year, our quality of service never falters.

ACI Northwest is here to help with your home comfort needs or concerns. Please do not hesitate to contact us for helpful advice. Schedule an appointment for maintenance or repairs with ACI Northwest today.

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