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Serving The Greater Coeur D’Alene & Spokane Area


ACI Northwest Blog

Common Summer Air Conditioning Repair Needs

Summers in Spokane can be surprisingly warm, with temperatures spiking into the triple digits during heat waves. A reliable air conditioning system is an absolute necessity in the summer months, and if it breaks down, you need a repair service able to do the job quickly and efficiently. It pays to know what kind of problems your air conditioning unit may experience in the summer time, and what kind of repair needs you may face when temperatures rise.

For example, you may notice that the air flow is weak if you turn it on. That can come from a clog or an excess of build-up in the system, or possibly ductwork that has sprung a leak. The AC blower may also be dirty from lack of use, which can result in low air flow.   If the air blows, but it’s not sufficiently cool, your system may have leaked refrigerant, or the condenser coils may not be working the way they should.

You may also experience an air conditioning system that rapidly cycles between the on and off settings. In that case, it may mean that the condenser or evaporator is dirty, or that the condenser unit is blocked. In cases where an air conditioning fails to work entirely, it may have overloaded the power and tripped the circuit breakers, or triggered one of its own safety features, which shut the unit down when a significant problem arises.

Many problems such as these have simple causes, such as a build-up of dust or wear and tear on the system. They’re not uncommon during lengthy periods without use, and if you haven’t run your air conditioning during the winter and the spring, problems may have developed without your notice. In many cases, the issue can be fixed fairly rapidly, either by replacing a damaged part, cleaning the dust and dirt, recharging refrigerant, or tightening existing fittings. Whatever the cause, however, it pays to call upon a licensed air conditioning technician to do the job right. DIY repairs can compound the problem, and when the mercury rises, the last thing you need is unnecessary work or delay.

When you experience difficulties with your air conditioner, call the experts at ACI Northwest. We respond to common summer air conditioning repair needs throughout the greater Spokane area. With more than 85 years’ experience, we can provide the peace of mind that comes from doing the job right. Contact us today to set up an appointment.

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