ACI Northwest Blog: Archive for January, 2018

“Help! Why Is My Electrical Bill So High?”

Monday, January 22nd, 2018

money folded origami style to look like a houseWhen it comes to saving money, the average homeowner will tend to look at their bills that fluctuate each month. This means their water bill, gas bill, and electric bill. As we are all well aware, energy bills can be staggering—particularly during the peak of summer or of winter, when you are using either your air conditioner or heater on a daily, if not hourly, basis.

As it ends up, your HVAC systems account for over half of all your energy costs. So if you’re using an electric system such as an electrically powered furnace or heat pump, then you’ll be paying even more. But, this certainly isn’t the only contributor to high electric bills. Fortunately, our are Coeur d’Alene, ID electricians here to share with you some of the reasons your electric bill may be too high, and what you can do about it.

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Combat Dry Air and Illness This Winter

Monday, January 8th, 2018

Sick woman blowing her noseWhen the coldest of winter temperatures hit, it makes sense that you are most concerned with how warm it is in your home. A lack of sufficient heat can be not only uncomfortable, but hazardous to your family’s health. A perfectly functioning furnace or boiler is only half the equation, though, when it comes to home comfort during the winter.

Dry air can be equally damaging and uncomfortable during the colder months, and most heating systems—at least, those that are forced air systems—only exacerbate this issue. A Coeur d’Alene, ID humidifier installation may be an excellent choice for you and your home, eliminating the problem of dry air before it even has a chance to affect your living space. Now is as great a time as any to have one put in.

But you may be wondering, “Do I really need one?”

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