ACI Northwest Blog: Archive for the ‘Generators’ Category

What Will You Do When the Power’s Out? Keep Your Family Safe with a Generac Generator

Monday, February 29th, 2016

We’re no strangers to power outages in our area, and when the power is out, you might not have the resources to keep your family members safe and comfortable. Oftentimes, there are babies or elderly residents in the home who really cannot go on without a working heater or air conditioner. This means you might have to vacate the home, and you pay for alternative shelter along with some important supplies.

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Why 7 Out of 10 Homeowners Prefer Generac Generators for Backup Power

Monday, December 14th, 2015

Dealing with a power outage is a major hassle when you have no form of backup power in your home. You may have no idea of when the power will be restored to your home, and candles and flashlights are not enough to help you go on with your daily routine. Some homeowners have to find alternative shelter in order to have AC or heating, and all of the extra money spent on recovering from an outage can really add up. The best solution we can think of is a home generator, and Generac is the most trusted brand in the country.

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Keep Your Generator Maintained with Professional Services

Monday, October 12th, 2015

If they are working properly, whole-home generators only power on when there is no electrical service in your home, which means it can be difficult to tell if there is an issue with the unit. Many generators do have a self-test feature, which could alert you if there are any problems with the unit. However, we still recommend that homeowners schedule regular professional maintenance for their generators in order to prevent problems from occurring when you really need the system to work. Here’s what you can do on your own to keep your standby generator maintained, and how to tell you should call in a professional.

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How Much Could You Lose During a Power Outage?

Monday, August 24th, 2015

When the power goes out in your neighborhood, you usually cannot tell how long you will have to go without it. A crew may be able to get it up and running in a matter of a few hours. But it’s not unusual for neighborhoods to be without any electricity whatsoever for an entire day and night, or even for longer.

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The Importance of Owning a Standby Generator

Monday, July 29th, 2013

Anyone in the Caribbean, the east coast of the United States, or the Ring of Fire will tell you just how vital a standby generator can be. Any number of events can cause power outages to your home or business, jeopardizing the safety and well-being of your loved ones, colleagues, and your possessions. In today’s day and age of torrential storms and widespread power outages, having a standby generator is more important than ever.

Power Outages on the Rise

Weather and earthquakes are the two most prevalent causes of major power outages in America. We’ve all heard about the destruction caused by the Oklahoma tornadoes, and major media networks have been adept at covering the growing number of major storms that have been sweeping the nation. Whether it is a tsunami, blizzard, hurricane or flood, we’ve had more than our fair share of natural disasters, and they aren’t likely to end anytime soon.

It has become mainstream knowledge that global weather patterns are shifting, causing damage to power supplies and buildings. This, coupled with the increased global population, is straining our energy infrastructures, leading to widespread power outages around the globe. Rather than find yourself without power when the time comes, purchase a standby generator so you and your family can continue to keep the lights on, even when Mother Nature does her worst.

Why Every Homeowner Needs a Standby Generator

In the event of a minor, short-term power outage, a standby generator can ensure that life can continue as normal until the power turns back on. If power were to be out for more than a few days, it would become difficult to feed and care for your family, especially if you have young children or elderly living with you who have certain temperature needs.

If you experience a major power outage caused by a serious natural disaster, the damage is typically severe and leaves people without power for days, if not weeks, on end. During a wet disaster, such as a tsunami or hurricane, flooding could pose a legitimate problem. If you owned a standby generator and your home was flooding, you could run your generator to power a sump pump which would remove the flood water from your home. With the generator aiding your sump pump, you could save yourself and your family thousands of dollars in repairs. In the event of dry disasters – tornadoes, earthquakes and the like – a standby generator is essential, as it can be used for cooking, cooling, your communication devices, or even power medical equipment.

The Importance of Standby Generators for Businesses

Businesses are the lifeblood of the American economy and are responsible for providing food and housing for millions of families. Needless to say, businesses need the added protection a standby generator offers. If a business suffers from frequent power outages, a standby generator could save thousands of dollars in wasted labor costs from salaried employees waiting for power to come back on. When your business loses power, the generator will immediately power on, allowing your business to operate as usual. If a natural disaster occurs and power is knocked out for a days, the generator can be used to protect your office equipment from a power surge, and can also be connected to sump pump to protect your office valuables from flooding.

All in all, having a standby generator is akin to insurance. Hopefully, you’ll never have to use your generator, but it’s essential to have that security blanket in case you ever experience a prolonged power outage. When the well-being of your family and business are in jeopardy, don’t tempt fate. You simply cannot afford to be unprepared for the unexpected.

Rachael Jones is a blogger for DIYMother, where women aren’t afraid to use power tools in a dress.

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Generator FAQ: How a Generator Can Benefit Your Home

Monday, January 21st, 2013

We all worry about natural disasters and being stuck without power during a heavy thunderstorm or snow storm. Having a whole home generator offers a number of compelling benefits to homeowners who are ready to take the next step in protecting their home. At ACI Northwest we provide complete services for home generators in Deer Park —including installation, repair and maintenance for many types and brands of generators. Here are some of the benefits to having a whole home generator installed.

The Financial Benefits of a Whole Home Generator

When people start thinking about generators, they probably think about the safety that it will provide their family. While generators are a great way to protect your family, they offer some pretty enticing financial incentives.

  • Home resale – Normally, after a generator installation the value of a home will increase.
  • Sump pumps – If you have a sump pump in your basement, it’s likely there to protect against a flood. However, during flooding there may not be electricity at your home. But with a back-up generator you will still be able to protect yourself against costly flood damage.
  • Food spoiling – Another great benefit from a back-up generator is that in the event of power outage, you won’t have to throw out all of the contents of your freezer or fridge because the food spoiled.

Comfort Benefits of a Whole Home Generator

During a fierce snowstorm, you may lose power at your home. If that happens, you’ll probably be rushing around trying to keep you and your family warm. But with a back-up generator, you’ll be able to relax knowing that your heating system and your air conditioning systems are still operational. This will allow you to keep your home comfortable until the power is restored.

If you’re interested in having a whole home generator installed, contact ACI Northwest.  We also offer generator repair and generator maintenance in Deer Park.

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