ACI Northwest Blog: Posts Tagged ‘boiler repair services’

Reasons Why a Boiler Might Not Heat as It Should

Monday, January 16th, 2017

When it comes to choosing a reliable heating system for your home, you can’t go wrong with a boiler. These systems have a small number of mechanical parts, and thanks to this they rarely cause as many problems as perhaps a furnace or some other type of heater might. This also means they tend to have a longer lifespan than other heating systems.

That being said, there is no heater out there that’s completely invulnerable to issues. Your boiler might encounter problems that will lead it to stop proving heat, no matter how well you take care of it. Fortunately, the solution is as simple as giving our boiler experts a call. In the meantime, we’ve shared some reasons below that your boiler may not heat your home as it should.

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What is Kettling, and why is it Dangerous?

Monday, March 9th, 2015

The sound of a kettle boiling over has the potential to be quite comforting. When that same sound it coming from a large boiler, however, it is considerably less comforting.

In fact, it can be downright unsettling. If you’ve ever heard a deep rumbling sound coming your boiler, you know exactly what we’re talking about. Sometimes it can seem as though the boiler might explode! Well, don’t worry. It won’t do that (at least it shouldn’t). What actually causes that sound, though? We’ll, that’s going to take some in-depth explanation. Let’s take a look at what that sound actually is, and why it’s so dangerous to your boiler.

What is Kettling?

That sound you hear is called “kettling”, and it’s a very bad sign for the health of your boiler. Its cause can be traced back to hard water, which is water with a very high mineral content. As hard water flows through the boiler’s heat exchanger, it deposits small amounts of minerals on the inner walls of the pipe. Over time, this mineral buildup can get so severe that it restricts or blocks the flow of water through the heat exchanger. This causes the water in the heat exchanger to evaporate into steam, putting massive pressure on the pipe and causing the rumbling sound you’re hearing.

Why is it Dangerous?

Did you know that most boilers are not actually designed to boil water? It may seem odd, but it’s true. When water boils, it evaporates into steam and expands many times over. This expansion puts the heat exchanger under an incredible amount of stress that it was not designed to handle. If the stress is not relieved, the heat exchanger may rupture and your boiler will break down. There are usually safeguards in place in the boiler to prevent this from happening, but it is a serious problem, nonetheless. If you notice your boiler kettling, shut it down immediately and call a professional.

If you find yourself in need of boiler repair, call ACI Northwest. We provide boiler repair services throughout Post Falls, ID.

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