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Serving The Greater Coeur D’Alene & Spokane Area


ACI Northwest Blog

Signs That Your Home Needs Electrical Repair

Electricity is so essential to daily life, but it is also something we seldom think about because we are accustomed to receiving it with a flick of a switch or a touch of a power button. Your home may have electrical malfunctions that require repair, but unless you watch out for the signs you may not realize there are issues—until you suffer a major power loss or an electrical fire breaks out.

Should you notice any of the signs below, don’t ignore them and don’t attempt to fix the problem on your own. Call up professional electricians to handle the necessary electrical repairs. You can reach ACI Northwest any time of the day or night for emergency service from highly-trained professionals who will keep the electricity flowing safely through your home.

Watch for These Warning Signs of Electrical Repair

  • Flickering lights: If you spot lights in your home that occasionally flicker like candle flames, don’t dismiss the occurrences—especially if it occurs to a few lights at the same time. This indicates a power surge running through the electrical system, likely because a large appliance (the refrigerator, the air conditioner) has put excessive demand on the system. Small power surges like this will cause cumulative damage to appliances in your home, and could warn of bad circuits.
  • Warm or sparking outlets: Increased heat coming from outlets, or outlets that cause sparking whenever you plug an appliance into them, are suffering from bad wiring that can risk an electrical fire. Do not unscrew the outlet to look into it yourself; call for repairs.
  • Repeatedly tripped circuit breakers: The circuit breaker panel that has an occasionally tripped breaker is not usually a sign of a serious problem. But if you have tripped breakers occurring on a regular basis when appliances come on, then you may have repair issues within the panel itself (it may need a full upgrade) or trouble with the wiring. Call for an electrician to investigate the trouble and find a solution.

Remember, should you encounter any of these signs, turn off any of the affected appliances and unplug them. Do not attempt to use the suspect parts of the electrical system until after you have had an electrician examine and repair them.

Trust to Professional Electricians

Qualified electricians are a must for repairs: only trained electricians will know how to keep your home safe and up to local electrical code. Whatever your needs for electrical repair service in Coeur d’Alene, WA, you can put your trust in ACI Northwest. We provide comprehensive service for home electricity.

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